Watershed Communities
Special Gift – Film about water and salmon and the Winnemem Wintu tribe
November 29, 2021

Readers of this page have been given One Word Sawalmem, a special gift from Pom and Natasha, friends on the Pacific Coast.

Here is 5-day home viewing access to an inspiring, internationally-acclaimed, Native-directed short film made for all ages and peoples to watch.

The 20-min film is based on one single question: What’s one word from your sacred language that changed your life and that you can offer to the next generation as medicine to heal our relationship with the Earth?

Michael “Pom” Preston of the Winnemem Wintu tribe of Mt. Shasta, son of spiritual leader Chief Caleen Sisk, didn’t hesitate to choose his word, Sawalmem.

Sawalmem means sacred water.

Following this word, he takes viewers into a rare, intimate, current-day portrait of life when people recognize that water is sacred.

Winner of multiple awards, finalist of the short documentary program of the Tribeca Film Institute and selected for 40 festivals around the world, the film is now yours to watch for 5 days.

Get instant access to watch the 20-min film here.

Both the film-makers and I would love to hear what you think. Consider Minnesota connections, by reading this recent article from the Star Tribune – Minnesota sturgeon returning to ancient spawning grounds as dams are removed.

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