
Resources – Press – Recordings – Contributors

Resources Related to Climate

Organizations (a fun website contributed by Trevor – thanks, Trevor!)

Chicks for Climate

Union of Concerned Scientists

Our Children’s Trust

Citizen’s Climate Lobby

Climate Coach

Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist

Check her excellent list of organization here: Katharine Hayhoe’s list

Interfaith Power and Light

Climate Action Families

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Selling, donating, and Recycling Old Clothing (with thanks to Kelsey!)

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

Guide for Going Green at Home

Third Act

Transition US (Regeneration Nation)

Climate Generation

Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate

Honor the Earth

Planetary Health Alliance

Science and Environmental Health Network

Pachamama Alliance

Quaker Earthcare Witness

Arbor Day Foundation

Tree Trust

One Tree Planted

Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light


Seattle 350

Resources Related to Diabetes

Diabetes Sisters

Diatribe – Diabetes Community & Support

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation


The college where the students featured in Watershed studied – Minneapolis College

Press, Podcasts, and Recordings

Rain Taxi Review of Watershed

by Elizabeth Bailey

Lakeland PBS Interview

Following a lively reading and discussion in Brainerd in July, 2022, Hanky Hazelton, a reporter from Lakeland public TV spoke with me about climate and justice.

Creative Nursing Planetary Health Issue Launch

After a group of former students and I had an article accepted for the Planetary Health Issue of Creative Nursing, we were asked to discuss that article with others who had also written articles for that journal. Listen in to this YouTube recording of that launch. You’ll hear some inspiring stories of health support by people who understand that all life – animal and plant and community – is one. Individual health is dependent on the health of all.

New Books Network Podcast

Matthew Brown and I talked together about Watershed for his New Books Network podcast. Our conversation expanded into a consideration of all our watersheds. Matt’s a super-insightful reader and, thus, a delightful interviewer. In the course of our conversation, he introduced me to the watersheds of Wyoming where he lives.

Podcast for Educators (and everyone else) on SPOTIFY or IHEARTRADIO

For an easy-to-listen-to, accessible discussion, click one of the links above. In the podcast, I talk with Lena Jones (political science professor at Minneapolis College) and Teddie Potter (clinical director of the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota) about topics that Watershed addresses. Some who have listened remarked that the episode gives a sense of interconnectedness and wholeness, that offers a container for grief and leads to profound hope. Listen and then, if you wish to – share the podcast with others and your own stories and thoughts with me.

East Side Freedom Library Watershed Book Talk

Sam Grant, Sarah Degner-Reveros, Chelsea DeArmond, and I discussed Watershed on Tuesday, October 5. Listen to that invigorating discussion here.

August 14, 2021 Radio Show with Ellie Krug

Ellie and I discussed the difficulty of conversation across divides in Minnesota. I began to ponder the ways to let my city friends and my northern Minnesota family and friends come to know one another. I would welcome any ideas you have as you join this conversation. The podcast of the show is from the link above; to hear just the conversation between the two of us, listen here –

Minnesota Women’s Press Statewide Conversation

See excerpts of from a conversation among Minnesota “powerhouse women”! You’ll find me among the others. What an honor! Find them here: Developing Healthier Ecosystems.

KFAI Interview

KFAI Interview, 7 pm, Tuesday, July 6 – Fresh Air Radio, 90.3 FM  – discussion between Annie Harvieux and me.


Individuals who have contributed to this website

Amelia Hanson – Visual Designer

Angelo Loy – Filmmaker

Grace Harnois – Designer & Illustrator

Ms. Platt & Jessica, Jocelyn, Adam, and Madalyn, resource contributors

Karlyn Eckman – Painter

Renae Bonde – Collage Artist

Ruby Thompson – Illustrator

Ree Kachmarzinski – Photographer

Sue Kearns – Photographer