Plants can do WHAT???
October 6, 2024

I’ve learned a great deal about plants from Zoë Schlanger. We were in conversation with a roomful of others at Milkweed Bookstore in June. And now I’m making a pitch for you to read her book – The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth. […]

How does a city watershed flow?
September 14, 2020

This piece describes the watershed of my city home, was written for Transition Town – All Saint Anthony Park, and was published in the Park Bugle in March of 2020. Half to three-quarters of your body is water. Of the earth’s surface, about 70% is water. Where did the water in you come from? When […]

For the Sea, All Watersheds’ End
January 12, 2021

In spring of 2018, I took a forty-day trip, traveling mostly by train, getting off to write and to visit my grown children. For two weeks I stayed among cypress trees in Northern California and walked each day to a shed where I wrote as quail bobbed by. There I was able to write the […]

Offer of Food to the Wild Ones
August 16, 2021

I asked a class of Minneapolis College students to find and watch a wild animal (or at least to remember watching one who was wild) and then to write about that being. Many returned with writings about squirrels – not red squirrels, not ground squirrels, not flying squirrels. No. Grey squirrels. City squirrels. I hope […]

The Watersheds of Oman
May 16, 2021

Guest blog by Mayadhin Al Abri Mayadhin Al Abri is a  chemical engineering student at the University of Minnesota who grew up in Muscat, the capital city of Oman. She plans to address and solve environmental issues specifically water issues in Oman.  During my childhood in Oman, rain would fall once or twice a year. […]

Watershed Communities

Readers of this page have been given One Word Sawalmem, a special gift from Pom and Natasha, friends on the Pacific Coast. Here is 5-day home viewing access to an inspiring, internationally-acclaimed, Native-directed short film made for all ages and peoples to watch. The 20-min film is based on one single question: What’s one word from your sacred […]